Get our official event app,


Download the Whova app

You can download the Whova app in the Apple App store or Google Play store.


Register your account

Enter the email address you used for event registration or use your social media account.


Personalize your profile

Other attendees will use this to network with you. Don’t forget to make it look nice!


Add events

The app will take you to your event page automatically. If it doesn’t show up, add Event "2024 Leadership Convention by NAAAP".

Why download?

Stay Organized

With Whova, you can keep all your event details in one convenient place. From schedules to speaker information, everything you need is right at your fingertips.

Connect Easily

Networking has never been simpler. Use Whova to connect with fellow attendees, speakers, and exhibitors effortlessly. No more awkward introductions or missed opportunities.

Plan Your Schedule

Customize your agenda with Whova's scheduling feature. Mark sessions and activities you want to attend, and receive reminders so you never miss a thing.

Engage with Speakers

Participate in live polls, Q&A sessions, and discussions right from your phone. Whova makes it easy to engage with speakers and panelists during sessions.

Share Your Experience

Upload photos directly to the event gallery on Whova to showcase your perspective and experiences. Let others see what you're enjoying and interact with your photos.

Navigate with Ease

Access detailed floor maps on the Whova app to help you find your way around the event venue. If you get lost or need directions, simply open the app and locate your position on the interactive map, ensuring you never miss a session or exhibit.

Download Whova now and unlock the full potential of your event attendance!